Bacon in the Oven


What's better than a family session?  A family session with a pregnant mama!

The Daugherty's are such special souls.  Nellie is one of those incredible homeschooling supermoms that magically maintains order in the midst of what would normally be sheer chaos.  She has a kind and gentle spirit and a certain calmness about her. You know someone who can make friends with a stranger like its nothing? Yeah, that's Nellie, and she does it while wearing  Chuck Taylor'sā€¦ She's cool like that.

Justin is a youth pastor who is a  serious Georgia Bulldogs football fan and a lover of all things bacon.  Like, he talks about bacon a lot! Justin is musically talented and pretty much always leaves you laughing.  Not like haha laugh, more like those belly laughs that make you realize you need to get in the gym more.

Together they love Jesus and strive to teach His ways to their beautiful children  Liv, Gideon, and Jude and soon to be baby girl #4 who has yet to be named! All the kids have their own unique personalities, likes and dislikes, but all are equally excited and eager to meet their baby sister in only a few short weeks.  We can't wait either!