When Life Gives You Lemons...

The Photographer: 

She picks up her camera bag and heads for the exit.  The day got away from her and she failed to feed the little mouths before leaving.  It was up to dad this time.  She can’t find her matching shoe and has to throw on the dirty Chuck Taylor’s. The little one cries wanting momma as the door shuts behind her.  His little wails still echoing from behind the walls.  

Engine on and wheels to the pavement. She’s free for an hour and sets off for her next session, a family session.  A sudden jolt of dread washes over her as she approaches the stop sign.  Battery!  She turns the car around to go back for the vital piece of equipment, the baby still crying upon her return.

The Client:

Blue or Yellow?  Mom whizzes around the house trying to decide at the last minute on outfits.  She checks her watch and panics with just thirty minutes left to meet her photographer.  Blue it is.  Dad can’t find his belt and Sammy skipped his nap. She’s sure this whole thing is going to be a disaster. They get in the car, last belt strapped when the baby spits up on her shirt.  Tears swell in mom’s eyes.

The Session:

Everyone makes it!  Mom is set at ease when her hire assures her the stain can be removed in post editing.  The hour goes by quickly and smoothly and nothing like she expected. Dad is actually smiling and the whole family is having fun.  Laughing and playing and smiles all around.  When the baby cries from an ant bite, the photographer keeps clicking, encouraging mom to comfort her. More games and prompts find everyone in a good mood.

The Conclusion:

-Life happens to all of us.  But come session time, arrive certain that all the little mishaps will wash away if even for a little while.  Your pictures are going to be fabulous. Trust us.

Burns & Crowe Photography