Maternal Instinct// Documenting Emotion


Maternity sessions are so special.  There’s a special kind of excitement about a growing little life in a mommas belly.  It's even more fun when there's a sibling in the mix. Let me tell ya, while the sun was out and not a cloud in the sky, it was windy and cold this day! Sweet little Coyle was such a trooper tolerating the elements.

Often times it can be stressful having pictures made with a toddler  Will he/she cooperate? Are they going to be hangry? O crap! Did I remember the diaper bag?!  OMG he's crying, PLEASE STOP CRYING! Sometimes the thought “are they getting ANY good pictures?” might cross your mind.  Relax momma! First things first, our kids pick up on our energy. So if you're super stressed and having an internal meltdown, chances are your babe will feed off that energy and exude those emotions outwardly.  

This is lifestyle portraiture.  In life, kids pretty much do what they want.   They get mad, they get sad and sometimes just downright uncooperative.  Our advice is to just roll with it. If your kid gets upset, pause, hold him, rock him, sing him a song, distract him by doing something else.  We aren't trying to get flawless pictures here peeps. No, we are documenting emotion. Real life emotion.

In this session Coyle didn't get hangry, he didn't have a meltdown, in fact he was absolutely delightful!  As stated above though, it was downright frigid! His mom and dad were so chill and just went right along with it.  We wrapped him up in a blanket, searched for nuts and puppies and got some authentic images in the process.

Take a peek at a few of our personal favorites. Also, shout out to this hubby for making the most of the session. Most guys dread being in maternity photos but he rolled with it!